LaravelConf Taiwan 2020 CFP Started

Interested in being a part of the LaravelConf Taiwan 2020?

We’re excited to announce the call for papers is open for LaravelConf Taiwan 2020. This year, we focus on “Serverless” cloud architecture.

The event will be taking place July 25 in Taiwan and we also have the Webinar track. And we encourage PHP developers submit your proposals.

We don’t limit related Serverless topics. Here are some suggestions about talk ideas are as follows:

  • Alternate PHP run-times and async PHP
  • PHP internals
  • Development principles
  • Security
  • Testing (unit, functional, etc.)
  • Continuous Integration/Delivery
  • Framework-related topics
  • Professional development
  • Developer’s tools
  • Infrastructure solutions

Interested in being a part of the LaravelConf Taiwan 2020? Submitting your proposals via this form right now 🙂

The Call for Speakers ends on June 30th. Read all the details and submit your proposals to us today!

Session topic: Less is more

About session topic

Serverless (Function as a Service) is a kind of cloud computing service and it’s extended by PaaS.That is, end-developers don’t have to build & deploy server environment. All codes running environment is provided by cloud computing providers. As cloud computing is more and more popular at recent days, some experienced PHP developers also publish the “Bref” severless framework. Also, other PHP developers publish “Vapor” for Laravel framework lover.

Because this new cloud computing architecture is more and more popular, we use “Serverless” as our main theme. And use “Less is more” slogan for our session topic and it also responds “Serverless” feature. This topic will call for sessions about PHP developments, Laravel framework skill and related Serverless topic.

We don’t limit above topics. Here are some suggestions about talk ideas are as follows:

1. Alternate PHP run-times and async PHP
2. PHP internals
3. Development principles
4. Security
5. Testing (unit, functional, etc.)
6. Continuous Integration/Delivery
7. Framework-related topics
8. Professional development
9. Developer’s tools
10.Infrastructure solutions

Session type
Our all selected sessions will have 40 to 50 minutes.

5/27 – Call For papers started
6/30 – End for Call For Papers
7/08 – Announcing Selected Session
7/25 – Enjoy Conference 🙂

Notes for CFP
1. Please check that all session contents are legal and all speakers should follow all possible law policies about contents.
2. The session conference teams have the right to pick up sessions.

Speaker Responsibilities
1. To arrange our session timeline,please submit some required contents on time.
2. We use the e-mail to be the main contact approach, please ensure your e-mail address is correct when writing CFP form.
3. After conference has been ended, we will announce you to provide final slide and it will be shown on official website publicly.
4. All available sessions will be recorded by conference team. It will be published on YouTube publicly after conference.

Call For Sponsors
A community-driven conference need to be supported. If any person or department has been willing to sponsor LaravelConf Taiwan 2020, please send e-mail via

We will contact you soon and thanks for your support again :).

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