Imagine is an object-oriented PHP library for working with images and manipulating them. The library can handle frequently-used operations like resize, crop or applying filters. A color class helps generating the RGB values of any given color and methods exist for drawing shapes like arc, ellipse, line, pieSlice and more.
Imagine is a OOP library for image manipulation built in PHP 5.3 using the latest best practices and thoughtful design that should allow for decoupled and unit-testable code.
Is possible to load any font file and insert text into images with a flexible font class. Imagine is a frequently-updated library with an exciting to-do-list like charting, reflection and rounded corner filters.
How to Use
< ?php $imagine = new Imagine\Gd\Imagine(); $size = new Imagine\Image\Box(40, 40); $mode = Imagine\Image\ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_INSET; // or $mode = Imagine\Image\ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_OUTBOUND; $imagine->open('/path/to/large_image.jpg') ->thumbnail($size, $mode) ->save('/path/to/thumbnail.png') ;