HTML & CSS: A Beginner's Guide teaches you with the aid of colourful screenshots and diagrams how to create web sites and style them using Cascading Style Sheets. This book offers practical guidance, examples and know how without the long boring technical fluff and how to apply it to related Web development issues.
Python is a simple yet powerful programming language that can enable you to start thinking like a programmer right from the beginning. It is very readable and the stress many beginners face about memorizing arcane syntax typically presented by other programming languages will not affect you at all.
Countable is a tiny and standalone JavaScript function that brings the ability to count all three. It works very straightforward and has the option to count the inputs with stripping HTML tags.
Pico is an open source CMS application that is capable of very few things. It uses flat-files as the database and built with PHP. Simply, there is no setup and the app works instantly.