JJavaScript Aristochart – Flexible & Static Line Charts LibrarybyMarkJune 20, 2013 Aristochart is a JavaScript library with no dependencies. It is only capable of creating 2D line charts which are static (uses [canvas]).
JJavaScript Chartkick – Charts With A Single Line Of RubybyMarkMay 15, 2013 Chartkick is a Ruby gem (also has a JavaScript API which doesn’t require Ruby) for creating good-looking charts very easily and quickly.
jjQuery Teamwork Gantt – A jQuery Component For Gantt ChartsbyMarkJanuary 29, 2013 Teamwork Gantt is a free jQuery component, created by Teamwork (a project management service), that simplifies generating Gantt charts.
jjQuery Flot – A Flexible Plotting Library For jQuerybyMarkJanuary 24, 2013 Flot is a jQuery plugin for easily creating good-looking and interactive charts. The library uses HTML5 canvas for drawing, JSON as the data source and can render a data array with many items.